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Our story birthed this ministry out of pure necessity and we would love to share it with you to encourage you as you walk through your own. The story is not finished yet, but we firmly believe that the path is better walked together, and the story is never quite finished because God is always working in the silence. We are Matt & Krista Keane, together 27 years and counting, 2 girls, 2 grandkids, and a story probably not that dis-similar to yours. A little bit of who we are can be read below. It's just bits of our story to be honest. We can only manage bits of the story at a time, but we have to start somewhere, right? That's all we are asking of you as well; start your story somewhere, even if it is still being written and let us follow along so that we can celebrate together when the final chapter is written. It's like we say "May you find the courage to face the day, reach for hope, and know that joy is one decision away" and we can help you get there, we will. 

Matt & Krista

Image by Katherine Chase

Krista Keane

I am a wife, mom, writer, and has a heart for the church and people in it and am excited to see what God has in store in the new season. I am founder of SOUL Space. My journey into "Spiritual Direction" and founding this practice has not only been shaped by my personal engagement with the Word, but by a transforming relationship with God. About ten years ago, I started to notice myself questioning some of the legalistic boundaries I had placed in my life. I was striving for perfection; to be what I thought others expected, and what I thought God expected me to be. I found myself completely frustrated, empty, and exhausted. I was certain there had to be more to my spiritual journey than burning out every few seasons. Certainly, given Matthew's and I struggle just in navigating the Prodigal journey of our own, I needed more, and knew that other parents did too. The Prodigal Hope Project began bubbling up and then digging deeper, My Soul Space and that ministry sprung to life as well and so together they push us towards helping where we can, when we can. You can find out more at about that ministry and how it might help you in your journey, and how to apply your faith and the tools God has given to active paths of new restorative life & light in those otherwise dark areas of your life.


Matt Keane

I wear the hat of Husband, Dad, golfer, IT Engineering Consulting Professional, Worship Leader, Grandad (seriously), with a heart for Dads that serve, provide, protect and carry hurts but still has to full fill all the roles on the Professional and Social resume. Growing up in Jamaica, son of a preacher, the baby of three to an older brother and sister, and living in the shadow of excellence, high expectations, and a moral bar that was near impossible to meet, I have always thought there was something to prove. Something more to credential. Someone that expected more of me than I wanted for myself. And when I came to the US under unexpected blessings (Soccer Scholarship), I promised that I would be present in my children's lives. That work not ministry would keep me from a game, a recital, a birthday. That I would be ok to drop off and pick up from parties, no matter the time. I would be the Dad where no conversation would be off the table. The one that would be teach my kids about the world rather than shadow them from it. Because, I wanted them to know how to not only survive but to thrive. And, I wanted them to love me for it, for trusting them and believing in them, and putting them first, even before Church Ministry and Career. And that is where one story ended and my present story begins. With all good intentions, and no real major regrets, we executed the plan as as parents with a happy marriage, good ministry years, and a successful career with happy memories as a family and just when you might sit back and think you did it, that your efforts to turn what was your legacy of rebellion into a new renewed legacy of love, our world came crashing down. And so the real project begins. The project founded on hope, fueled by love, and held together by grace.

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Who We Are

An organization committed to providing resources and a safe space for parents to share their stories and experiences while navigating the challenges of estranged relationships with their children.

Why We Exist

We believe every parent deserves to be supported and empowered in their journey, and to be encouraged that the power of hope and healing can be found even in the absence of reconciliation. 

How Can We Help

We strive to create an environment of understanding and acceptance, where parents can find comfort and strength in knowing that they are not alone.


You Are Not Alone

There are others with stories not dissimilar to yours. Though every situation is unique, we all share the pain of the void, feel the sadness it has left in its wake, and struggle to find hope with every passing day. And, finding people that understand this is difficult or near impossible, until now.  

Hope In the Waiting

We are so much more than our pain. We are professionals, teachers, nurses, retail, public service, entertainment and we have to face people every day. Do our jobs. Or, simply get out of bed and be a mom or dad to the rest of the kids. A husband to your hurting wife. Let us come along side you to help you learn to thrive in your lives while you wait for that reconciliation to happen. There is life left to live so live it!

Share Your Story

Share your story. No matter where you are in your journey, sharing can be healing. There are others just waiting to stand with you in your pain, and others waiting for you on the other side. Share your story and with us and new will edit, polish, and then publish your story to encourage others. 

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